Ppt Of Library Management System With Er Diagrams

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Library management sytem


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Library management sytem

  1. 1. T.Z.A.S.P.MANDAL'S<br />PRAGATI COLLEGE OF ARTS, COMMERCE, AND SCIENCE<br />A CASE STUDY REPORT ON<br />PRESENTED ON:<br />ABLY GUIDED BY Madam Mrs.Rupali Patil<br />S.Y.B.Sc. (IT)<br />SUBMITTED BY<br /><ul><li>Ms. Ashwini Vaykole - Roll No. 14
  2. 2. Ms. Ashwini Godage - Roll No. 15</li></ul>T.Z.A.S.P.MANDAL'S<br />PRAGATI COLLEGE OF ARTS, COMMERCE, AND SCIENCE<br />S.Y.B.Sc. (IT)<br />CERTIFICATE<br /><ul><li>This is to certify that Ms. Ashwini Vaykole (Roll No. 14)
  3. 3. Ms. Ashwini Godage (Roll No. 15).Has completed the case study of software engineering satisfactorily during academic year 2009-10.
  4. 4. Date: 19 Mar'2010
  5. 5. Professor-in-charge
  6. 6. (B.SC.IT)</li></ul>INDEX<br />Sr. No. Contents Page No.1. Organization Overview2. Current System3. Limitation of Current System4. Proposed System Advantages Features Limitation5. Entity-Relationship Diagram6. Data Flow Diagram Context Level DiagramContext Analysis DiagramFunctional DecompositionDFD Fragmentation7. System Flow Chart8. Structure Chart9. Menu Tree10. Table Listing11. Report Listing12. Form Layout13. GNATT Chart<br />ORGANIZATION OVRVIEW<br />PROBLEM DEFINITION<br /> This case study of library management system gives us the complete information about the library. We can enter the record of the new books & retrieve the details of books available in the library. We can issue the books to the student & maintain their records & can also check how many books are issued & stock available in the library. In this case study, we can maintain the late fine of the student who returns the issued books after the due date.<br /> Throughout the case study, the focus has been on presenting information & comments in an easy & an intelligible manner. The case study is very useful for those who want to know about library management system.<br />CURRENT SYSTEM<br /> <br /> All librarians currently operate all its administrations using handwritten forms or slips stored in drover (files). The handwritten information may also cause some clashes in the records such as missing a particular slip or maintaining the records in large librarian. It is also difficult to search a particular record from a bunch of records. So to avoid the problem arises, we need an automated system that keeps a track of all the records & related information. <br />DRAWBACKS OF CURRENT SYSTEM<br />Lack of immediate information retrieval<br />Lack of immediate information storage<br />Lack of prompt updating<br />Lack of storing large information<br />Redundancy information<br />Fast report generation is not possible<br />Tracing a book is different<br />No central database can be created, as information is not available in database<br /> <br />PROPOSED SYSTEM<br /> We want to develop library management system a comprehensive library management solution that is suitable for both large &small libraries which has flexible design & which enables library management system to be installed in a range of library organizations ranging from public libraries through to academic joint use & special libraries. Proposed system provides with following solutions:-<br />It provides "better & efficient" service to members.<br />Reduce the workload of employee.<br />Faster retrieval of information about the desired book.<br />Provides facility for proper monitoring reduce paper work & provide data security.<br />All details will be available on a click.<br /> The system is to be developed is intended to support day-to-day operations of library management system by improving various processes such as <br />Issue a book<br />Return a book<br />Search a book and so on.<br />ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM<br />Immedaitated retrieval of information<br />Better storage capacity<br />Better sorting of efficient reports<br />Quick sorting of information<br />Preparation of efficient reports<br />Accuracy of data that is no redundancy hence no inconsistency<br />Easy to update the information<br />FEATURES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM<br /> <br />Library management system has been design to automate, manage, and look after the overall processing of very large-scale libraries. This software is capable of managing book issues returns, magazines or newspaper subscription, calculating or managing fine and balances of payments due from members.<br /> Moreover, this software is fully compatible with barcodes based management. Use of bar codes for library management eases the everyday tasks of big libraries, where the number of transaction exceeds several thousands in number. <br />The key features of system are-<br />Book and reader record management with the help of barcodes<br />Customizable grouping of members under various categories and classes<br />Customizable fine setting for various category of members<br />Members fine balance management capacity<br />Powerful search facility for book and member search based on various search criteria<br />Magazine or newspaper subscription facility<br />Complete management of records of book donor, vender, publisher, author, locations, subject, categories, rack shelf etc.<br />Book reservation facility <br />Database backup and restore facility<br /> <br />LIMITATIONS OF PROPOSED SYSTEM<br />The system will run under Windows98 or later operating system<br />Unix(Linux)Operating system is not supported <br />All functions will be developed in Turbo C++ as front-end tool.<br />SQL should be installed for database handling.<br />ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM<br /> <br /> The entity relationship model is a popular high-level conceptual data model. It is a detailed, logical representation of data or an organization for a business area. The E-R model is very useful for mapping the meanings and interactions of real world enterprises onto a conceptual schema the E-R diagram drawn below shows the entities in library management system, the relationship among the entities and attributes of both entities and their relationships<br />ReserveReserve-dateMaintainKeeps track IdSTAFFNameREDERS IdNameF-nameL-nameM-nameRoll-noClassPhone noLoginAUTHETICATION SYSTEMUser namePasswordBOOKSAuthorPublisherSR noPriceISBNTitleCategoryIssueIssue-dateReturnReturn-date<br />DATA FLOW DIAGRAM (DFD)<br /> <br /> The DFD represents how the data will flow in the system when it is build. In this modeling, the major functions in the software are identified. Diagram shows how data will flow through different processes or functions. From the context level diagram we examine high-level functional requirements of the system so main modules can be represented in level one of DFD using DFD notations. Thus, DFD is a hierarchical graphical model of the system that shows different processing activities of each processing module that the system performs and data is interchanged among these functions. This whole unit is represented in the form of different levels (such as level 1, level 2, levle3…DFDs) capturing the detailed structure of the system as perceived by the user. <br />Stored inFINE SYSTEM 2AddExecutesSYSTEM DISPLAY 3Deletion 4Process password 5Access granted 6Access deniedCommandCommandCommand dataShowDisplayDisplayValidInvalidDelete fromLIBRARY STAFF 10Complete fineBOOKS 7Issue 9Return 8Display statusUpdateUpdateCommandCommandDue overCollectReturnIssueIssueHandle detailsSTUDENT 11Modify/insertMaintainStudent 1Reservation REPORTS 13Display statusStore detailsReservationDisplay 12 Book searchCommandCommand dataCommand dataStudent dataCommand data<br />CONTEXT LEVEL DIAGRAM<br /> The context level diagram is the most abstract data flow representation of system. It represents the entire system as a single bubble. The main function of the system is mentioned in the bubble and the external entities with which this system interacts is represented. The incoming data and outgoing data are represented as arrows. The context level diagram for library management system includes six external entities as shown in figure given below.<br />FINE SYSTEMREPORTSDisplayBOOKSStudent receivesDisplay infoSYSTEM DISPLAYExecutesLIBRARY STAFFReturn bookIssue bookAuthenticationAdd/delete infoMaintain reader infoLibrary management systemSearch bookSTUDENTReserve book<br />CONTEXT ANALYSIS DIAGRAM<br />LIBRARYREADERLIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMFind bookCheck availabilityAsk bookIssue bookAsk for reserving booksPermits the reservation of bookShow statusIf present then show details<br />CONTEXT LOGICAL DIAGRAM<br />Book Issue STUDENTBooksSend duesRequest membership STUDENTMEMBERSHIP MANGEMENTMember detailsInformation MemberSend penalty reportRequest for bookBook Issue detailsReturn bookReminderPenalty amountPenaltyMANAGEMENTREPORT MANAGEMENTSend reportRequest for reportBook issue managementIssue detailBook detailsSend detailsRequest for discontinuation<br />FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION<br /> <br /> Each bubble in the DFD represents the main function, we decompose it further, and at every step, we derive the next level DFD as shown in diagram given below<br /> This process is also called exploding a bubble. This process is carried out until no further decomposing of a bubble is possible. This method helps in keeping track of main processes and its sub processes. The main processes have integer numbers 1, 2, 3….etc. When the bubble is decomposed then the sub processes are numbered as 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2…and so on.<br /> 0 LIBRARY 1.1 BOOK 1.2 READER 1 SEARCH 2 TRANSACTION 2.1 ISSUE 2.2 RETURN 3 UPDATE 3.2 BOOK DATABSE 3.1 READERS DATABASE 4 REPORTS 4.1 FINE 4.2 BOOK<br />DFD FRAGMENTS<br />Query 1 Search BookReader<br /> 2 TransactionReturnIssueUpdate<br /> 3 UpdateBook Updated BookReader Updated Reader<br /> 4 Produce Library ReportLibrarianReader Book<br />SYSTEM FLOW CHARTS<br /> <br /> System flow charts are very similar to data flow charts.A system flowchart explains how a system works using a diagram. The diagram shows the flow of data through a system. A systems flowchart shows the key inputs and outputs associated with the program. The shapes of the symbols indicate the types of input or output devices. System flowcharts are a way of displaying how data flows in a system and how decisions are made to control events.The symbols are linked with directed lines (lines with arrows) showing the flow of data through the system. <br />READERLIBRARYTRANSACTIONSERVICESUpdateUpdateBOOKSBook detailsReader database Reader entersREPORTCALCULATE FINEFineREPORT<br />STRUCTURE CHART<br /> Structured chart are not flow charts because there is no indication of processing sequence and it has no decision boxes. In short, structured chart depicts the structures of subroutine in the system and data passed between routines can be indicated on the arcs connecting routine as shown in figure. <br />The stricter chart is drawn by first drawing the root modules and the modules that it invokes. Next one functional component for the central transform (i.e. the remaining portion of DFD) and the afferent (i.e. logical form of input data) and efferent (i.e. physical form of input data) branches are added below the root module. In the third step, the structure chart is further defined by adding sub functions under each of the functional components. Many levels are added under the functions and this process is called as factoring. The stricter chart for library management system is as shown in the figure given below:- <br />LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BOOKS STAFFOTHERS NEWS PAPERSREFERENCE BOOKS QUESTION PAPERSTEXT BOOKSLIBRARIANMAGZINESNOVELS READERSTUDENTSTST READEROTHERSTEACHERSOTHERS<br />PRINT BARCODESPRINT LABLESREADER DETAILDELETEVIEWADDSTUDENTDELETEVIEWADDTEACHERDELETEVIEWADDOTHERLIBRARY SERVICESDELETEVIEWADDMAINLISTCLEARCHECKRESERVERETURNISSUETRANSACTIONSINFORMATIONSEARCHADDBOOK ENTRYMENU TREE<br />ABOUTOFFLINEONLINEHELPQUERIESFINE STATUSDOCUMENTS OVERDUEDOCUMENTS DUE AS ONDOCUMENTS RESERVED ONDOCUMENTS ISSUED ONLIST OFCURRENT ISSUEISSUE LIST OF ANY MEMBERSEARCH IF ISSUEDLONG TERM ISSUEEXITADMINADDVIEWDELETE<br />TABLE LISTING<br />Issue: Table<br />Sr. No. Field NameData Type Size1Bnoint 252Idint 303Issue_dateDate/time 104Due_dateDate/time 105Copies_availableint 2<br />Admin: Table<br />Sr. No. Field NameData Type Size1NameChar 252Dateint 103Timeint 204PasswordChar 65Idint 10<br /> <br />Student: Table<br />Sr. No. Field NameData TypeSize1Idint302Roll_noint33NameChar254ClassChar205Book issuedChar10<br />Teacher: Table<br />Sr. No. Field NameData TypeSize1Idint302NameChar254Book titleChar205Book issuedChar10<br />Book: Table<br />Sr. No. Field NameData TypeSize1B_noint102ISBNint103SubjectChar104NameChar255AuthorChar206PublisherChar207Editorint108Copiesint29Costint5<br /> Issue return: Table<br />Sr. No. Field NameData TypeSize1B_noint112Idint203Issue_dateDate/Time104Due_dateDate/Time105Return_dateDate/time106Fineint37Copies_availableint2<br />REPORT LISTING<br /><ul><li>Readers Report
  7. 7. Issue-Return Report
  8. 8. Search Category Report
  9. 9. Readers Record for Issue-Return Book
  10. 10. Fine Generation Report</li></ul>READERS RECORD<br />Name:<br />Class: Div:<br />Roll No: Reader_id:<br /> <br /> The Reader Named (Name of Reader) having class (class and division) and Reader_id (Reader_id) issued (Number of books) <br />On (Issue date)<br />Book 1 – ISBN 1 <br />Book 2 – ISBN 2<br />Book 3 – ISBN 3<br /> <br />HISTORY OF BOOKS ISSUED AND RETURNED BY READER<br />Name:<br />Class: Div:<br />Roll No: Reader_id:<br /> History of Books Issued and Returned:<br />Sr. No.Book NameISBN No.Issued onReturn on<br /> <br />Long Term Issue:<br />Total Fine:<br /> <br />FINE GENERATION REPORT<br />Name:<br />Class: Div:<br />Roll No: Reader_id:<br />Book Name:<br />Issued On: Due On:<br />Fine:<br /> A reader (Name) issued a book (Book Name) on (Issue Date) but do not return the book on (Return Date).The fine submitted by the student will be (Fine).<br />RECORD OF TEACHER<br />Name: <br />Reader_id:<br />Number of Book Issued:<br />List of Books:<br />Sr. No.Book NameISBN No.Issued on<br />Teacher (Teacher name) has issued (Number of Books)<br /> on (Issue Date).<br />RECORD OF BOOKS FOR A PARTICULAR CATEGORY<br />Category:<br />Number of Books Present:<br />Having ISBN from: to .<br />List of Books:<br />Sr. No.Book NameISBN No.No. of CopiesCostShelf No.<br /> The library has (Number of Books) for (Category) as listed above<br />GNATT CHART<br /> Gantt charts have become a common technique for representing the phases and activities of a project work breakdown structure (WBS), so a wide audience can understand them.<br /> A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Gantt charts can be used to show current schedule status using percent-complete shadings and a vertical quot; TODAYquot; line as shown here. A Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the progression of time. A Gantt chart is a useful tool for planning and scheduling projects. A Gantt chart is helpful when monitoring a project's progress.<br />Project Search System Design Data Process and Modeling Investigating System Requirements NovDesFebJanMarPlanned Date Actual DateExtended Date <br />FORM LAYOUT<br />Bibliography<br /><ul><li>http://www.scribd.com
  11. 11. http://www.brainmass.com
  12. 12. www.dotnetspider.com
  13. 13. http://www.cragsystems.co.uk/ITMUML/inde…
  14. 14. How to draw Data Flow Diagrams
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Source: https://www.slideshare.net/ashu6/library-management-sytem

Posted by: lynettegronere0193143.blogspot.com

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